Creswick Australia Day Breakfast 2019

Oyez Oyez Oyez
I would like to acknowledge that we are meeting on Jaara people country and pay my respects to the Dja Dja Wurrung community and their elders both past and present.
Welcome to the Creswick Australia Day Breakfast on this the 26th day of January in the year 2019
In 1768, Captain Cook set out on his first world tour. The primary reason, as an astronomer, was to record the Transit of Venus on the 3rd June 1769. His next target after visiting New Zealand was to find Van Diemen’s land. But strong prevailing northerly winds took him off course and instead came across the southern eastern coast of what was named New South Wales and landed on the 29 April 1770, almost 11 months after leaving Tahiti. Along with the traditional inhabitants, British soldiers and convicts started to arrive in the colony and in the late 1940’s migrants came to build the Snowy Mountain Scheme
Today migrants from around the world have come to this great land to call Australia home and we are now one of the largest multi-cultural countries in the world.
The following is the Australia Day Commitment;
We are Australian
We stand here proudly
Brave, strong, open and tolerant
We stand here equal, fair, true and free
Together we will build the future
But, we will not forget the past
We will stand together
We are Australian
I would now like to introduce our Master of Ceremonies for today's event, Mr Alan Morris, President - Creswick-Smeaton RSL
God Bless Australia Day
God Save the Queen
I would like to acknowledge that we are meeting on Jaara people country and pay my respects to the Dja Dja Wurrung community and their elders both past and present.
Welcome to the Creswick Australia Day Breakfast on this the 26th day of January in the year 2019
In 1768, Captain Cook set out on his first world tour. The primary reason, as an astronomer, was to record the Transit of Venus on the 3rd June 1769. His next target after visiting New Zealand was to find Van Diemen’s land. But strong prevailing northerly winds took him off course and instead came across the southern eastern coast of what was named New South Wales and landed on the 29 April 1770, almost 11 months after leaving Tahiti. Along with the traditional inhabitants, British soldiers and convicts started to arrive in the colony and in the late 1940’s migrants came to build the Snowy Mountain Scheme
Today migrants from around the world have come to this great land to call Australia home and we are now one of the largest multi-cultural countries in the world.
The following is the Australia Day Commitment;
We are Australian
We stand here proudly
Brave, strong, open and tolerant
We stand here equal, fair, true and free
Together we will build the future
But, we will not forget the past
We will stand together
We are Australian
I would now like to introduce our Master of Ceremonies for today's event, Mr Alan Morris, President - Creswick-Smeaton RSL
God Bless Australia Day
God Save the Queen
Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls
Welcome to this 2019 Australia Day Breakfast
I would first like to acknowledge our traditional owners.
We would like to acknowledge we are meeting on Jaara people country, of which members and elders of the Dja Dja Wurrung community and their forebears have been custodians for many centuries.
On this land, the Jaara people have performed age old ceremonies of celebration, initiation and renewal.
We acknowledge their living culture and their unique role in the life of this region.
Today we celebrate the anniversary when on 26th January 1788, Captain Arthur Philip arrived with the first fleet of 11 convict ships and raised the Union Jack at Sydney Cove to signal the beginning of the new colony of New South Wales.
In 1818, Governor Macquarie acknowledged the day officially as a public holiday. The previous year he accepted the recommendation of Captain Matthew Flinders, that the colony be called Australia.
In 1901, the Australian colonies federated to form the Commonwealth of Australia.
In 1946, 26th January was called Australia Day in all states and territories, it had previously been called Foundation or Anniversary Day in some states.
Australia Day is about acknowledging and celebrating the contribution that every Australian makes to our nation. From our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people - who have been here for more than 65,000 years - to those who have lived here for generations, and to those who have come from all corners of the globe to call our country home.
Ladies and Gentlemen could you please be upstanding while we march out and hoist our national flag. This will be followed with our national anthem.
The Creswick Scouts and Ventures Group will now march out our Australian National Flag.
Flag Raising Ceremony ----- National Anthem
Australia Day Address --- Shire Mayor - Councillor Don Henderson
I now ask our State member for Ripon - Louise Staley to present achievers.
2018 Achievers
******************Shire Awards ********************
Hepburn Shire Council Community Event of the Year – Creswick Shire Avenue of Honour at Kingston Centenary Event
Creswick Brass Band
In 2018, Creswick Brass Band won the Australian D Grade Band Championship, and in November won its first C grade competition in over 40 years at Mt. Gambier.
The Creswick Youth Brass won the 2018 National Youth Marching Championship, and were second in the Junior C grade National Championship. They followed this with second place at the State Championships in August.
Individual Achievers
Casey Neil - Creswick District Motorcycle Club Champ 2018 (Aged 7)
Neville Cartledge - OAM was awarded a 65 Year Service to Scouting honour
Warren Cartledge - an apprentice motor mechanic was selected to compete at the WorkSkills National Championships
Aaron Sedgewick -who was the Master Builders Ballarat Section Nominee for Apprentice of the Year
Bella Davies - was awarded the Jarred Tallent Young Achievers Award for her role as Creswick Primary School Captain, successes in Mt Prospect Tennis Association Under 12 and 13 sections, her achievements in winning numerous events at the Goldfields School Sports and also achievements in Under 13 football.
Zoe Hives - for achievement in reaching the second round of the Australian Open Tennis
Creswick Bowls Clubs' Men's Indoor team - who won their fourth consecutive A Grade Premiership
Congratulations to Claire Hepper and Alison O’Neil – for their work setting up Shannon’s Bridge
Jenni Sewell - has retired after long service as CEO of John Curtin Aged Care.
Creswick Senior Citizens Club celebrated their 50th Anniversary
Also I would like to acknowledge and thank all our local CFA units for the extra voluntary effort they put in to keep our community protected.
A big thank you to our volunteers from Creswick Historical Society, Creswick Lions Club, Creswick Football and Netball Club, Creswick CFA, Creswick walkers group, Creswick Scouts and Venturers, Creswick Smeaton RSL and Mount Prospect Tennis club, we could not have done this without your help.
This breakfast relies heavily on our volunteers and new volunteers are always welcome.
Thank you to our supporters -
Hepburn Shire for providing the money and assistance with setting up.
Greenvale Meats , for their sausages and bacon.
Creswick IGA for all their help with provisions.
and Creswick Bakery.
Would you all please enjoy your breakfast and please put all rubbish into the provided rubbish bins.
Thank you
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls
Welcome to this 2019 Australia Day Breakfast
I would first like to acknowledge our traditional owners.
We would like to acknowledge we are meeting on Jaara people country, of which members and elders of the Dja Dja Wurrung community and their forebears have been custodians for many centuries.
On this land, the Jaara people have performed age old ceremonies of celebration, initiation and renewal.
We acknowledge their living culture and their unique role in the life of this region.
Today we celebrate the anniversary when on 26th January 1788, Captain Arthur Philip arrived with the first fleet of 11 convict ships and raised the Union Jack at Sydney Cove to signal the beginning of the new colony of New South Wales.
In 1818, Governor Macquarie acknowledged the day officially as a public holiday. The previous year he accepted the recommendation of Captain Matthew Flinders, that the colony be called Australia.
In 1901, the Australian colonies federated to form the Commonwealth of Australia.
In 1946, 26th January was called Australia Day in all states and territories, it had previously been called Foundation or Anniversary Day in some states.
Australia Day is about acknowledging and celebrating the contribution that every Australian makes to our nation. From our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people - who have been here for more than 65,000 years - to those who have lived here for generations, and to those who have come from all corners of the globe to call our country home.
Ladies and Gentlemen could you please be upstanding while we march out and hoist our national flag. This will be followed with our national anthem.
The Creswick Scouts and Ventures Group will now march out our Australian National Flag.
Flag Raising Ceremony ----- National Anthem
Australia Day Address --- Shire Mayor - Councillor Don Henderson
I now ask our State member for Ripon - Louise Staley to present achievers.
2018 Achievers
******************Shire Awards ********************
Hepburn Shire Council Community Event of the Year – Creswick Shire Avenue of Honour at Kingston Centenary Event
Creswick Brass Band
In 2018, Creswick Brass Band won the Australian D Grade Band Championship, and in November won its first C grade competition in over 40 years at Mt. Gambier.
The Creswick Youth Brass won the 2018 National Youth Marching Championship, and were second in the Junior C grade National Championship. They followed this with second place at the State Championships in August.
Individual Achievers
Casey Neil - Creswick District Motorcycle Club Champ 2018 (Aged 7)
Neville Cartledge - OAM was awarded a 65 Year Service to Scouting honour
Warren Cartledge - an apprentice motor mechanic was selected to compete at the WorkSkills National Championships
Aaron Sedgewick -who was the Master Builders Ballarat Section Nominee for Apprentice of the Year
Bella Davies - was awarded the Jarred Tallent Young Achievers Award for her role as Creswick Primary School Captain, successes in Mt Prospect Tennis Association Under 12 and 13 sections, her achievements in winning numerous events at the Goldfields School Sports and also achievements in Under 13 football.
Zoe Hives - for achievement in reaching the second round of the Australian Open Tennis
Creswick Bowls Clubs' Men's Indoor team - who won their fourth consecutive A Grade Premiership
Congratulations to Claire Hepper and Alison O’Neil – for their work setting up Shannon’s Bridge
Jenni Sewell - has retired after long service as CEO of John Curtin Aged Care.
Creswick Senior Citizens Club celebrated their 50th Anniversary
Also I would like to acknowledge and thank all our local CFA units for the extra voluntary effort they put in to keep our community protected.
A big thank you to our volunteers from Creswick Historical Society, Creswick Lions Club, Creswick Football and Netball Club, Creswick CFA, Creswick walkers group, Creswick Scouts and Venturers, Creswick Smeaton RSL and Mount Prospect Tennis club, we could not have done this without your help.
This breakfast relies heavily on our volunteers and new volunteers are always welcome.
Thank you to our supporters -
Hepburn Shire for providing the money and assistance with setting up.
Greenvale Meats , for their sausages and bacon.
Creswick IGA for all their help with provisions.
and Creswick Bakery.
Would you all please enjoy your breakfast and please put all rubbish into the provided rubbish bins.
Thank you
On behalf of the organizing group, thank you to everyone who contributed to the running of the 2019 Australia Day Breakfast at Park Lake, and thanks to everyone who came along and enjoyed a social breakfast.
The following groups all contributed volunteers who cooked and served breakfast: Creswick Lions Club, Creswick & District Historical Society, Creswick-Smeaton RSL, Creswick Football Netball Club, Creswick Walking Group, Creswick Scouts and Venturers. Thanks also go, in order of involvement, to Town Crier Philip Greenbank, MC Alan Morris, The Creswick Brass Band, Tim Drylie, Creswick CFA - First Aiders and the Scouts who all performed a role in making the event a success.
Thank you to our official guests Louise Staley (Member for Ripon) who acknowledged our local achievers, Mayor Don Henderson who presented the Australia Day address, Cr Greg May and Hepburn Shire CEO Evan King.
Acknowledgement also goes to the Mount Prospect Tennis Association for allowing the use of their facility, to Bridgette O’Brien, Hepburn Shire Events officer, for her assistance in organizing the event, and to the suppliers of the food for the day: Creswick IGA, Creswick Country Bakery and Greenvale Meats.
The event was funded by a grant from the Hepburn Shire. Events such as this don’t just happen - they rely on volunteers to organize and run. Please consider helping out. We need new blood and new ideas; your feedback and suggestions are most welcome.
Pat Tacey - Australia Day organising committee
The following groups all contributed volunteers who cooked and served breakfast: Creswick Lions Club, Creswick & District Historical Society, Creswick-Smeaton RSL, Creswick Football Netball Club, Creswick Walking Group, Creswick Scouts and Venturers. Thanks also go, in order of involvement, to Town Crier Philip Greenbank, MC Alan Morris, The Creswick Brass Band, Tim Drylie, Creswick CFA - First Aiders and the Scouts who all performed a role in making the event a success.
Thank you to our official guests Louise Staley (Member for Ripon) who acknowledged our local achievers, Mayor Don Henderson who presented the Australia Day address, Cr Greg May and Hepburn Shire CEO Evan King.
Acknowledgement also goes to the Mount Prospect Tennis Association for allowing the use of their facility, to Bridgette O’Brien, Hepburn Shire Events officer, for her assistance in organizing the event, and to the suppliers of the food for the day: Creswick IGA, Creswick Country Bakery and Greenvale Meats.
The event was funded by a grant from the Hepburn Shire. Events such as this don’t just happen - they rely on volunteers to organize and run. Please consider helping out. We need new blood and new ideas; your feedback and suggestions are most welcome.
Pat Tacey - Australia Day organising committee