Creswick Australia Day Breakfast 2020

Oyez, Oyez, Oyez
I would like to acknowledge that we are meeting on Jaara people country and pay my respects to the Dja Dja Wurrung community and their elders both past and present.
Australia Day - a day where all Australians, come together to celebrate the great diversity of this country and of the people that make it up.
Those who have come from another country, either willingly or force out by war, who now live in this country and add their culture to ours – we welcome you, as you call Australia home.
This is a country where mateship takes a step forward in times of need and when a helping hand is not far away, and this is never more prevalent than now, with Australia in one of the most unprecedented natural disasters in her history, with major fires burning in every state and territory.
Our thoughts go out to whose have been impacted by the fires, to the thousands who have been displaced, and especially in NSW, SA and Victoria, where 2 thousand 1 hundred families have lost their homes and the 26 who have already lost their lives.
I ask that you continue to support the emergency services, who are overwhelmed by this disaster, and, whose resources are stretched, not only defending their own state but with assisting their neighbouring states such as the 1000 CFA firefighters, who were helping their colleges in NSW when the Gippsland fires broke out and were called back home, and, we remember the 7 firefighters from Australia and the United States who have given theirs lives in these fires, to help protect other communities and strangers, as mates do.
So enjoy this day, as we Australians know how to do, but keep a thought for those who won’t have this opportunity today.
I would now like to introduce our Master of Ceremonies for today's event, Mr Alan Morris, President Creswick-Smeaton RSL
God Bless Australia Day
God Save The Queen
I would like to acknowledge that we are meeting on Jaara people country and pay my respects to the Dja Dja Wurrung community and their elders both past and present.
Australia Day - a day where all Australians, come together to celebrate the great diversity of this country and of the people that make it up.
Those who have come from another country, either willingly or force out by war, who now live in this country and add their culture to ours – we welcome you, as you call Australia home.
This is a country where mateship takes a step forward in times of need and when a helping hand is not far away, and this is never more prevalent than now, with Australia in one of the most unprecedented natural disasters in her history, with major fires burning in every state and territory.
Our thoughts go out to whose have been impacted by the fires, to the thousands who have been displaced, and especially in NSW, SA and Victoria, where 2 thousand 1 hundred families have lost their homes and the 26 who have already lost their lives.
I ask that you continue to support the emergency services, who are overwhelmed by this disaster, and, whose resources are stretched, not only defending their own state but with assisting their neighbouring states such as the 1000 CFA firefighters, who were helping their colleges in NSW when the Gippsland fires broke out and were called back home, and, we remember the 7 firefighters from Australia and the United States who have given theirs lives in these fires, to help protect other communities and strangers, as mates do.
So enjoy this day, as we Australians know how to do, but keep a thought for those who won’t have this opportunity today.
I would now like to introduce our Master of Ceremonies for today's event, Mr Alan Morris, President Creswick-Smeaton RSL
God Bless Australia Day
God Save The Queen

Before we start I would like to let you know that today is our Town Criers Birthday. Please join in with the Band for Happy Birthday.
‘I would like to acknowledge that this meeting is being held on the traditional lands of the Jaara people, and pay my respect to elders of the Dja Dja Wurrung community both past and present.’
Welcome our Dignitaries
The Hon Catherine King - Federal Member for Ballarat
Ms Louise Staley - State Member for Ripon
Hepburn Shire CEO -Evan King
Councillor Don Henderson
Councillor Greg May
Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls
Welcome to this 2020 Australia Day Breakfast
Today we celebrate the anniversary when on 26th January 1788, Captain Arthur Philip arrived with the first fleet of 11 convict ships and raised the Union Jack at Sydney Cove to signal the beginning of the new colony of New South Wales.
This day was known as Foundation Day and was proclaimed as a public holiday by Governor Macquarie in 1818. He also accepted a recommendation by Captain Matthew Flinders that the colony be called Australia, taken from the Latin word Australis which translated as southern land.
On 1st January 1901 the Australian colonies federated to form the Commonwealth of Australia.
By 1935, 26th January was known as Australia Day in all states except New South Wales, where it was still called Anniversary Day. From 1946, 26th January was called Australia Day in all states and territories, and since 1994, the Australia Day public holiday has been on 26th January throughout the country.
Ladies and Gentlemen could you please be upstanding while we march out and hoist our national flag. This will be followed with our national anthem.
The Creswick Scouts and Ventures Group will now march out our Australian National Flag.
Flag Raising Ceremony
National Anthem
For those who wish to please remain standing to recite the Australian Affirmation which is printed on the back of your programs.
As an Australian Citizen
I affirm my loyalty to Australia and its people
Whose democratic beliefs I share
Whose rights and liberties I respect, and
Whose laws I uphold and obey.
I now ask that Cr Don Henderson representing the Hepburn Shire Mayor to read out the Mayors address
I would like to introduce Catherine King to present the Australia Day Address
‘I would like to acknowledge that this meeting is being held on the traditional lands of the Jaara people, and pay my respect to elders of the Dja Dja Wurrung community both past and present.’
Welcome our Dignitaries
The Hon Catherine King - Federal Member for Ballarat
Ms Louise Staley - State Member for Ripon
Hepburn Shire CEO -Evan King
Councillor Don Henderson
Councillor Greg May
Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls
Welcome to this 2020 Australia Day Breakfast
Today we celebrate the anniversary when on 26th January 1788, Captain Arthur Philip arrived with the first fleet of 11 convict ships and raised the Union Jack at Sydney Cove to signal the beginning of the new colony of New South Wales.
This day was known as Foundation Day and was proclaimed as a public holiday by Governor Macquarie in 1818. He also accepted a recommendation by Captain Matthew Flinders that the colony be called Australia, taken from the Latin word Australis which translated as southern land.
On 1st January 1901 the Australian colonies federated to form the Commonwealth of Australia.
By 1935, 26th January was known as Australia Day in all states except New South Wales, where it was still called Anniversary Day. From 1946, 26th January was called Australia Day in all states and territories, and since 1994, the Australia Day public holiday has been on 26th January throughout the country.
Ladies and Gentlemen could you please be upstanding while we march out and hoist our national flag. This will be followed with our national anthem.
The Creswick Scouts and Ventures Group will now march out our Australian National Flag.
Flag Raising Ceremony
National Anthem
For those who wish to please remain standing to recite the Australian Affirmation which is printed on the back of your programs.
As an Australian Citizen
I affirm my loyalty to Australia and its people
Whose democratic beliefs I share
Whose rights and liberties I respect, and
Whose laws I uphold and obey.
I now ask that Cr Don Henderson representing the Hepburn Shire Mayor to read out the Mayors address
I would like to introduce Catherine King to present the Australia Day Address

For the 2019 Achievers, I would ask Ms Louise Staley to come forth and read out our achievers
******************Shire Awards ********************
Young Citizen of the year - Lachie Wrigley
Creswick Scouting Awards
2019 Club Champion for the Creswick & District Motorcycle club 11yo Taleah Torney
Jennie Boyd has served 7 years as a scout leader in Creswick and stepped down from her role at the end of 2019. Thankyou Jennie.
Creswick Brass Band
Local Emergency Services
A big thank you to our volunteers from Creswick Historical Society, Creswick Lions Club, Creswick Football and Netball Club, Creswick CFA, Creswick-Smeaton RSL, Creswick walkers group, Creswick Scouts and Venturers, and Mount Prospect Tennis club, we could not have done this without your help.
This breakfast relies heavily on our volunteers and new volunteers are always welcome.
Thank you to our supporters -
Hepburn Shire . .
Creswick IGA
and Creswick Country Bakery.
Would you all please enjoy your breakfast and please put all rubbish into the provided rubbish bins.
******************Shire Awards ********************
Young Citizen of the year - Lachie Wrigley
- Laurie and Dot Porter - winners of the Ballarat Courier Christmas Lights competition
- Creswick Reserves Football Team - Premiers 2019
- Phil Greenbank - for the wonderful work he does to promote Lifeblood and blood donation, last February making his 500th donation.
- Eileen Coveney and her team for the great work they do in providing food, clothing, etc to those in need in our community
Creswick Scouting Awards
- Stella Wylie Completed her Joey Scout Promise Challenge which is the highest award a Joey can achieve. Joeys are the youngest section in Scouts and are aged 5 to 7 year old.
- Levi Hines achieved the Grey Wolf award on 1 November 2019 which is the Peak award for Cub Scouts aged 8 to 10 years old.
- Zac Lee is the recipient of the Queen Scout award, the highest award achievable in the Scouting movement in the Commonwealth. The award is undertaken in the Venturer section which is ages 15 to 17. He will be presented his award at Government House along with a letter signed by Her Majesty the Queen
2019 Club Champion for the Creswick & District Motorcycle club 11yo Taleah Torney
Jennie Boyd has served 7 years as a scout leader in Creswick and stepped down from her role at the end of 2019. Thankyou Jennie.
Creswick Brass Band
- Creswick Brass Band 1st Place Street March National Band Championships, Brisbane
- Creswick Youth Brass Band 2nd Place State Band Championships Open D Grade
- Creswick Brass Band 4th Place State Band Championships Open C Grade
Local Emergency Services
- CFA volunteers
- Police and ambulance members who serve our community
- Community Members who step up and lead approximately 40 community organisations
A big thank you to our volunteers from Creswick Historical Society, Creswick Lions Club, Creswick Football and Netball Club, Creswick CFA, Creswick-Smeaton RSL, Creswick walkers group, Creswick Scouts and Venturers, and Mount Prospect Tennis club, we could not have done this without your help.
This breakfast relies heavily on our volunteers and new volunteers are always welcome.
Thank you to our supporters -
Hepburn Shire . .
Creswick IGA
and Creswick Country Bakery.
Would you all please enjoy your breakfast and please put all rubbish into the provided rubbish bins.
Thank you to all who attended the Creswick Australia Day Breakfast. Numbers were down this year, being a Sunday in the middle of a long weekend. Next year's event will be mid-week so hopefully crowds will return to the big numbers of previous years.
Events such as this do not just happen. A number of people help organise and run the day. These include members of the Creswick Lions Club, Creswick & District Historical Society, Creswick-Smeaton RSL, Creswick Garden Club, Creswick Walkers, Creswick Scouts and Creswick Football Netball Club as well as those who offered their help on the day. All played a significant role in running the day, thank you to all involved and to Bridgerre o'Brien from the Hepburn Shire for her assistance.
Thanks fo to Catherine King MP (Australia Day address), Louise Staley MP (Ripon) (Recognition of Local Achievers), Cr Don Henderson (representing the Mayor), Cr Greg May and Hepburn Shire CEO Evan King. The event was again funded by the Hepburn Shire and local businesses (Creswick IGA and Creswick Bakery) who supplied the food for the breakfast. Thank you to the Mt Prospect Tennis Club for the use of their facilities and to the CDN for promoting the breakfast so prominently.
The Creswick Brass Band again demonstrated their prowess playing a number of tunes and local resident, Tim Drylie, for an excellent rendition of the National Anthem. Thank you to Katrina and the band and Tim for being part of the ceremony along with Town Crier; Philip Greenbank for calling those assembled to order for the official ceremony.
As part of the ceremony, individuals and groups who have achieved during the previous year are recognised, these include:
Lauchie Wrigley - Hepburn Shire Young Citizen of the Year.
Laurie and Dot Porter - Winners Ballarat Courier Christmas Lights competition
Creswick Reserves Football Team - Premiers 2019
Phil Greenbank - promoting Lifeblood and his 500th blood donation
Eileen Coverty and Creswick Anglicare team for providing food, clothing to the needy,
Stella Wylie - Joey Scout Promise Challenge the highest award for a joey,
ZAC Lee - recipient of queen Scout Award, the highest award in Commonwealth Scouting movement,
Levi Hines - Grey Wolf Award,
Taleah Torney - 2019 Club Champion Creswick & District Motorcycle Club
Creswick Brass Band - 1st Place Street March, National Band Championships, Brisbane
Creswick Youth Brass Band - 2nd Place State Band Championships Open D Grade,
Creswick Brass Band - 4th Place State Band Championships Open C Grade
CFA Volunteers
Police and Ambulance members for serving our community
Community Members who lead numerous community organisations.
Pat Tacey for the Australia Day Organising group and CDN.
Events such as this do not just happen. A number of people help organise and run the day. These include members of the Creswick Lions Club, Creswick & District Historical Society, Creswick-Smeaton RSL, Creswick Garden Club, Creswick Walkers, Creswick Scouts and Creswick Football Netball Club as well as those who offered their help on the day. All played a significant role in running the day, thank you to all involved and to Bridgerre o'Brien from the Hepburn Shire for her assistance.
Thanks fo to Catherine King MP (Australia Day address), Louise Staley MP (Ripon) (Recognition of Local Achievers), Cr Don Henderson (representing the Mayor), Cr Greg May and Hepburn Shire CEO Evan King. The event was again funded by the Hepburn Shire and local businesses (Creswick IGA and Creswick Bakery) who supplied the food for the breakfast. Thank you to the Mt Prospect Tennis Club for the use of their facilities and to the CDN for promoting the breakfast so prominently.
The Creswick Brass Band again demonstrated their prowess playing a number of tunes and local resident, Tim Drylie, for an excellent rendition of the National Anthem. Thank you to Katrina and the band and Tim for being part of the ceremony along with Town Crier; Philip Greenbank for calling those assembled to order for the official ceremony.
As part of the ceremony, individuals and groups who have achieved during the previous year are recognised, these include:
Lauchie Wrigley - Hepburn Shire Young Citizen of the Year.
Laurie and Dot Porter - Winners Ballarat Courier Christmas Lights competition
Creswick Reserves Football Team - Premiers 2019
Phil Greenbank - promoting Lifeblood and his 500th blood donation
Eileen Coverty and Creswick Anglicare team for providing food, clothing to the needy,
Stella Wylie - Joey Scout Promise Challenge the highest award for a joey,
ZAC Lee - recipient of queen Scout Award, the highest award in Commonwealth Scouting movement,
Levi Hines - Grey Wolf Award,
Taleah Torney - 2019 Club Champion Creswick & District Motorcycle Club
Creswick Brass Band - 1st Place Street March, National Band Championships, Brisbane
Creswick Youth Brass Band - 2nd Place State Band Championships Open D Grade,
Creswick Brass Band - 4th Place State Band Championships Open C Grade
CFA Volunteers
Police and Ambulance members for serving our community
Community Members who lead numerous community organisations.
Pat Tacey for the Australia Day Organising group and CDN.