Official Opening Moama RSL Sub-Branch Memorial Garden
Members and partners of the Sebastopol, Ballarat and Creswick-Smeaton RSL Sub Branches took a bus journey to Moama on Friday 23rd September 2002, for the Official Opening of the Moama RSL Sub-Branch Memorial Gardens
The Moama RSL Sub-Branch Memorial Garden.
From the Left (out of picture) the three flag poles, the Display Centre with the pictorial display covering all wars from the Boar War to Afghanistan, the Memorial Stone in front of the Display Centre, aircraft engine housing on the right side of the Display Centre, the Vietnam Cross, Artillery Gun, Anchor, Infantry Soldier and Machine Gun, Propeller, and Armoured Personnel Carrier.
The Wreath Laying Ceremony with the piper playing.
Following the Wreath Laying Ceremony was the ODE, Last Post, One Minute Silence, Rouse, Closing Prayer by Father Tink, the Royal Anthem, the Australian National Anthem and the Closing Address and Appreciations. This was the folowed by afternoon Tea in the "Poppies on Merool" Room.